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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  11MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: book | box | plaything | poster
OCR: HISTORY THROUGH ART ANCIENTGREECI ancient Grecce800 B. 146B.C. and exrressed the sculpture o Trace the history bclieftha humanity measue fall things of fine art mortality an ality an temi red motior "the of the classical Hellentstic period perio tothe from the deat Explore the of THE King ENL ouis JIGHTENMENT advent of ANCIENT BOME Discover how the Age of Trac the b liant listor Enlightenment 1715 1789) expressed Roman mpin 500 CD 476 antiquity symmetry, an palance through its trea works-of he belief in no er universe: the desire ortrait narrative perfection through snowledge eliefs paintings commen ative GREAT WORKS OF ART rches Marvela and Roman sei empire erit Rom expansions Increase your understanding Part and enricher artistically by th land spiritual Hish wrks archi nterpretat ure Ch ...